A few weeks ago, I did a 4 day zoom live workshop with Tony Robbins. Yes, THE Tony Robbins. Like many others, I’d read his books, listened to some of his cassette tapes, seen him on videos. The man is ubiquitous!
But I’d not had the chance to “feel” him – in a more interactive, and longer-term, immersive way. So, having the opportunity to spend 4 full days in his thinking vibration, was a privilege.
One of the key take-aways from the experience is the importance of one’s WHY in any project.
This may be obvious to many of you; it was to me. Simon Sinek did a great job of popularizing the importance of WHY as the required bullseye of any product.
Then there’s the classic story about the 3 bricklayers working on a Church. When they were asked what they were doing, one of them is said just laying some bricks. The second said he was honing his craft. The third announced jubilantly that he was building a monument to God.
What I saw in Tony Robbins was a man infusing his life with a WHY full of fervent passion and purpose.
That level of WHY acts as rocket fuel to all endeavours. And in Tony’s case, he has many of them, over 100 companies with billions in profits and a foundation that has distributed 1 billion meals and counting.
The man does not need to work and he has coached many newly-minted billionaires who too realize they still need their WHY. Tony works because he is driven by his WHY.
That level of dedication to thinking with a big WHY has challenged me to inquire into my own WHY. WHY do I do the projects that I do?
WHY do you do what you do? A challenging yet soulful inquiry.
One project that’s near to my heart is the writing I do for HEN.
I started HEN 21 years ago and I’ve never missed a full moon yet. Yes, that’s dedication and it is feeling like I need to re-look at HEN. My passion for sharing ideas on well-being, the environment and negotiation has not waned.
And, my focus has shifted.
My passions are deepening into well-building and resiliency and joy – with its many pathways. These days this includes neuroscience, kundalini yoga, music, cycling and educating.
In fact, I will be taking a new training in “Positive Intelligence” from Shirzad Chamine, the former head of the largest coaching school in the world. He’s also a neuroscience geek and has put together tools to support people’s well-being.
I’m excited to be starting his 8-week program soon and will report back!
Meantime, I will also be re-examining my big WHY when it comes to HEN.
Thank you for your readership. You feed my fervent purpose and I want to serve and make a big contribution. That drives me and lights me up.
Please hit reply now and quickly let me know if there are any aspects of HEN you’d love to see stay and any aspects that particularly light up a WHY in you. Do you want all 3 sections to stay, for example? Or perhaps arrive one a week (for 3 weeks)? Or some other idea? Or if you had to pick just one of the 3 sections, which would it be?
What is your WHY for why you open HEN month after month?
I love to hear from you! I may not be able to respond to every email but each one really matters to me. Thank you!
“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.” …Colin Powell