Over the last 7 months, I have been reviewing one moral guideline each month from the 6 moral guidelines from this article.

In March, I finished the 6th precept. 

I decided to start them all over again. One moral precept a month. I want to remind myself and each of us, what to hang on to as we descend deeper into the winter of our species.

The 6 moral guidelines are:

1) Work hard to grasp the immensity of the change

2) Cultivate radical hope

3) Have a line in the sand

4) Appreciate the astonishing opportunity of life at this time

5) Train your body and mind

6) Act for the future generations of all species

Last month I featured the first precept again: “work hard to grasp the immensity of the change.”

This month is the second: cultivate radical hope.

What comes up for me with the second one this time, has to do with how my thinking has changed. I used to think the world is dying and my job will be to be a midwife to death.

But where I’ve garnered hope from these days is the thought of the musicians on the Titanic. Those musicians stayed on the boat right to the end – playing as the boat went down. 

That’s now what I think. Do your part. Stay open. Stay happy. Spread joy.

No matter the outcome. 

Spread joy.

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.” –Emily Dickinson