You Can Be a Conflict Coach!

You Can Be a Conflict Coach!

Welcome back from the vortex of the holidays! Like many of you, I too had my fair share of heart-connected times and tenser family times. Much like our teams at work, our teams on the home front give us ample opportunity to do conflict well. One of the joys of my work...
Where’s the Music in Difficult Conversations?

Where’s the Music in Difficult Conversations?

Recently, I wrote about how no real good comes from conversations where everyone’s emotions are elevated. I likened it to two people doing a dance with their amygdala, the almond-shaped part of our brains that says things like: “Your hair is on fire! The roof is...
There’s Power in a Take a Break Card

There’s Power in a Take a Break Card

In my decades as a conflict resolver, there is one thing I am crystal clear on: When we are in the grips of overwhelm and fear or frustration and anger, our capacity to think clearly and to problem-solve simply evaporates! It’s not just my noticing either. This has...
Are You a Tempered Radical?

Are You a Tempered Radical?

I’m pretty lit up these days after launching my first-ever LEAP program – Conflict Mastery for Collaborative Leaders. It’s been a dream of mine for years and it’s been through the nurturing of the dream, and the good energy of many people, that this dream is...
What’s in an I Statement Anyway?

What’s in an I Statement Anyway?

Many people have heard about “I statements.” As someone said to me recently: “It’s counseling 101.” Yet, I do see many people struggle with expressing I statements, or even having a common understanding of what they are. So, let’s start with the basics: what do we...