Let’s Dialogue Citizens!

Let’s Dialogue Citizens!

Traditionally, the July & August issues of this newsletter are my time to replenish – where content is slim & rest time large – to relax & reconnect with a larger meaning & purpose. As an experiment this year, I’m focusing on the...
What Part Are You?

What Part Are You?

Last month, I spoke about the importance of being able to see multiple perspectives. In an era of information and misinformation, it’s become futile to convince someone of your point of view. There’s just too much data and it can be massaged in various ways to make it...
From HEN to HOTY

From HEN to HOTY

Starting the next full moon, September 29, the “H” in HEN: Health, will become the centerpiece and will be called HOTY. HOTY is the acronym for the book Judy and I co-wrote: ​Hold On To Yourself: How to Stay Cool in Hot Conversations​. The theme remains the same:...
From HEN to HOTY

From HEN to HOTY

Firstly, I want to thank those of you who took the time to respond to last month’s newsletter where I first mentioned that HEN is going through a metamorphosis. I look forward to sharing the new focus with you, starting the September 29th Full Moon. That’s when the...
The Times They are A-Changin’

The Times They are A-Changin’

This HEN newsletter is going to be quite an unusual one! This is my 21st year writing this newsletter and it’s been quite the ride. There have been many changes in the world, and around me, and in my own life. Yet, through it all, I would have HEN. Each month, I knew...