Why Bother Having a Can of Worms Conversation?

Why Bother Having a Can of Worms Conversation?

Why Bother Opening a Can of Worms? As a mediator and conflict connoisseur, a question I get asked a lot, when I am encouraging people to talk with each other, sounds something like: “Why should I even bother having the conversation?” “What’d be the benefit in me even...
What’s at the Centre of Your Wheel?

What’s at the Centre of Your Wheel?

It’s been remarkable these last few months to teach three teams the ​How to Have Difficult Conversations​ model. Individuals on these teams have created their own relationship with the material as they worked to make the tools and skills their own. One such...
What Part Are You?

What Part Are You?

Last month, I spoke about the importance of being able to see multiple perspectives. In an era of information and misinformation, it’s become futile to convince someone of your point of view. There’s just too much data and it can be massaged in various ways to make it...
Are You the Leader We Need?

Are You the Leader We Need?

Recently, I decided to do a small experiment. I wanted to take what I know to be true about conflict management and how to have difficult conversations and see how it fits into what exemplary leaders do. Kouzes & Posner have studied exemplary leadership for over...