by Julia Menard | Apr 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
Recently, I was presenting at a National Conference on Housing on the topic of Leadership and conflict. Before presenting, I was standing at the registration desk admiring a brochure I had noticed about “Circles for Reconciliation.” The title caught my attention and...
by Julia Menard | Apr 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
Last month, I passed along an article about climate change and the inevitability of climate collapse. Soon after, a dear friend Gabe Epstein, send me along this article on Deep Adaptation, written by Dr. Jem Bendell and first published in July of 2018.The basic...
by Julia Menard | Apr 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
I’m on a listserve out of New York, for mediators situated in New York and anyone with a general interest in mediation. I have local mediator and visual mediation guru Lisa Arora to thank for that connection! Check out Lisa’s website if you’re interested in how...