Want to Hear Yourself Think?

Many years ago, I came across Julia Cameron’s powerful book The Artist’s Way.  I worked with some of her concepts, and even coached someone through the book, as it’s a call back to our own creativity, a healing enabling us to reclaim our own creative voice. A powerful...

Dying and Revillaging

Crows know how to deal with their dying and dead.  When a crow dies, a call goes out and other crows come to mourn.  Elephants also have a compelling response when their kin dies.  Elephants have even been described as having “a fascination with death” (George...

Living the Principle of Impermanence

A friend of mine is dying as I write this.  She’s been a friend for 15 years and she’s always been strong and beautiful and graceful.  Today I saw her for the first time in a few months.  She was heavily sedated on morphine and looked small and frail and a shadow of...