I recently had the good fortune to be asked to present at a TEDx.  I chose the subject of the importance of all of us unleashing our “inner mediator” in these trying environmental times.  We have truly never faced a foe more formidable than what we face today – with too many global and local problems for the situation to be anything but impossible for our species and many other species on this precious blue dot that we inhabit.
Not everyone is agreeing that our situation is that dire, but I think so.  So, for me, the question is not how to “save our species” or “save our planet” – but – how will we choose to die? 

We can die with pain and anger and fear.  These emotions will surely arise as we continue down this road of increased fires, storms, extreme weather, climbing food costs, increased pollution – population – consumption and unanticipated drastic changes in our very habitat. 
Can we choose to practice more calm, to keep connected to our hearts?  Can we choose to listen to all sides, to keep the innovation flowing?  Can we engage in doing what is right, for ourselves and all of us?
This was the essence of my TEDx talk. When it is ready to be broadcast, I will let you know.
In the meantime, I’d love to know what you think and feel and want.  How do you want us to continue to live and how do you want us to die?  What do you believe is most important in these trying times?